Ever since middle school, I’ve experienced the “sunday scaries.” For years, I couldn’t identify the feeling other than general anxiety for the week ahead. I thought I was the only person experiencing this and it was just part of being generally anxious (which I am). It wasn’t until a few years ago that I heard the term “sunday scaries” and instantly felt relieved to know so many other people feel the same anxiety on Sundays and that I was not alone.
As someone who has Saturday and Sunday off work, it’s a shame to think that part of those two days is spent freaking out about the next 5 days. In an effort to help myself and you, today I’m talking about how to stop the sunday scaries and get your hard earned weekend back!

Get a good night sleep on Saturday
Nothing intensifies my “sunday scaries” like being overtired. Not having enough sleep impacts our judgment and emotions unnecessarily intensifying anxiety…and we know we don’t need more of that. On Saturday night, get a good night sleep because most of us need it and you deserve to feel good the next day.
Wake up a little earlier on Sunday
While I love sleeping in, sometimes oversleeping can give me anxiety. I’ll wake up and think “where has the day gone?” and then in a panic try and do everything I imagined doing. Guess what, it’s not worth the freakout. Sometimes (sometimes) I will set my alarm an hour or two earlier on Sunday so that I can wake up, take my time drinking coffee or going to the gym with plenty of time left over in the day.
Make a reasonable to-do list on Saturday
My sunday scaries are often triggered by realizing I didn’t get finished what I imagined finishing. That said, given enough time, I can create a to-do list that would take a year to get done. On the weekends I will create a to-do list and choose 1-3 things that I’ll commit to completing. Setting a realistic goal for yourself on the weekend will help you stay accountable without worrying you didn’t finish everything.
Don’t check your email…especially not on Sunday night
This one is tough and I’m not against checking email on the weekends especially since we all have different jobs. However, at a certain time of the day replying to emails is only going to be so beneficial since it’s likely no one is going to reply to your email on a Sunday night and you’ll probably get worked up thinking about the next day. For me, I have to set a boundary and I will not check my emails on Sunday unless it’s necessary for my job.
Make a plan on Monday you can look forward to
One way I’ve helped my sunday scaries, is to plan something I’m excited for on Monday. It doesn’t have to extravagant, but an activity you can make a habit and enjoy. For me, I go to a dance class on Monday nights that I look forward to and is always fun. Making a plan as simple as doing a facemask and painting your nails can transform how you view Mondays.
Skip social media
For me, social media can kickstart the “should’ve” thoughts. I should’ve gotten up earlier, I should’ve taken more advantage of today, I should’ve put on makeup and met up with friends etc. I’ve learned it’s better for me to skip social media on Sundays and focus on my own wellbeing.

Do something today to make Monday easier
For me, cleaning relieves my sunday scaries significantly! Going into a new week with a messy room or dirty dishes makes me feel stressed and unprepared. If you can make Monday easier by choosing your outfit the night before or packing lunch ahead of time, try it and see if you’re sunday scaries are reduced.
If you need to prep for work, prep for work!
We’ve all left work on Friday and thought, I didn’t get enough done this week. If you actually didn’t finish what was needed to get done, it might be helpful to get an early start over the weekend. Nothing is more stressful than starting a new week knowing you’re already behind. I’ve found working on the weekend and getting caught up or a little ahead can make Mondays much less stressful and take away the sunday scaries.
Learn to identify your sunday scaries and let them go!
Obviously, this is easier said than done. Someone once told me, ‘worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It will keep you busy but you will get nowhere.’ Same with the sunday scaries. Learn the thoughts, time of day, or events that trigger your sunday scaries. Acknowledge them and try some of the tips in this post. After that, let them go. You deserve to enjoy your Sunday…you worked hard for it! Take a deep breath and realize you’re more powerful than your thoughts and the sunday scaries. Tomorrow is just another Monday and we’ve conquered hundreds of them before.
What are your tips for battling the sunday scaries? Comment below!
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I LOVE THIS post! Yes to setting boundaries. Yes to being intentional about enjoying all 7 days of the week.