I am a perfectionist. You’re probably thinking then why isn’t your blog named “Hot Dress, Never a Mess?” Fair point. But what comes with perfectionism is, the fact that being perfect is not achievable and therefore, you have some hot mess moments.

For me, perfectionism means constantly striving for my personal best. This can leave me never satisfied with my accomplishments, or worse, turning to others to compare myself.
Today, it’s so easy to compare yourself to your friends, family, colleagues, classmates, and even people we don’t know – seriously Chrissy Teigen, you and your perfect face! A browse on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn can give you all the ammo necessary to shoot down how you feel about yourself. I recently came across the quote,
“The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.”

I love this quote and it really resonated with me and my struggle of comparing myself to others.
When we compare ourselves to others, we compare the our entire lives as a whole to their best moments. We only see a tiny piece of that person’s life. It’s unfair to ourselves to criticize or measure our own lives based on one aspect of someone else’s life.
After I thought about this quote, comparison became more senseless, especially to think if someone were to compare their life to my “highlight reel.” My highlight reel might include the most Instagram worthy moments of my life – new shoes, sunny days, perfect lattes. What’s not included is when I’m anxious, insecure, stressed, cranky or dare I say not looking fashionable. Comparison just isn’t a fair fight.
Let’s shift our mindset from “What I’m Not” to “What I Am.” Focus on who we are and what’s great in our lives. Avoid looking at someone else and seeing a fault in yourself. Learn to be happy for others and not think their accomplishments are a reflection of your failures.
Embrace who you already are – what’s more fashionable than that?
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Well said Bailey and so true!!
That is such a great quote! It’s also interesting to consider that other people might be comparing themselves to my highlight reel, you know? Awesome post (and I love those earrings) :)
xo Mil
Hi Mil,
Thanks so much for reading my post, I really appreciate it. Glad you enjoyed some thoughts to reflect about.
Stay Stylish,
Bailey you are incredible!! What an inspiration you are to so many. To say your dreams are coming true would be an understatement. You have reached milestone after milestone. So proud of you and lucky to have made such a wonderful friend in college. Best of luck with everything to come, keep conquering those ambitions! xoxo
Thank you McKell! You are so sweet!